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Posts tagged ‘Glenn Harrold’

How I’ve made changes in my life…………

The last few months have been difficult. I had a successful recruitment career that ended sharply due to the economic climate. I was in mobile technology which was one of the many industries that plummeted virtually overnight. It took ages to accept that this isn’t happening anymore. It was hard because I have spent many years in this industry throwing myself into my career always trying harder and achieving great results. My contract was ended and I must have applied for around 50 jobs and nothing was coming through. (Yep I was a Recruiter who couldn’t find a job!) I ended up in frustration land…possibly a bit of self-pity and lots of general misery.  I had got used to a lifestyle and there was a lot of pride and security behind that. It left me with a hole and a job in a new sector at a much lower level that I really didn’t like.

The changes started when I decided to change. I wrote the post on The Law Of Attraction recently and wrote down what I wanted from my life – trying to be as specific as I could without knowing what it was I would be moving towards. I printed this out and had it next to my bed. I  made a concerted effort to read it everyday and visualise what I had asked for and sincerely believed that I would get it. I also got into some financial problems so this needed to be managed. I did Glenn Harrold’s CD on Creating Financial Abundance (see the post below.)

The day after I did Glenn’s CD, I had the idea to reinvent myself as a Healing Masseuse – it just popped into my head. It’s something I have always had in the back of my mind but I wasnt personally mature enough to be able to do that kind of work. I needed to do a lot of work on me. It’s funny because I was always searching for my gift. I even used to tell people that I had no creativity and that my brain and my academic achievements were my talents. Yet I have been massaging family, friends and colleagues with no training for years. I could always hit the pain region straight away. My Grandma and my Mum have always said I should do something like this but like I said, I wasnt ready.

I also found an old college friend who I had not seen for 18 years who is a Sports Masseuse and he really got my thoughts going into this direction. He was sent to me at the right time and I was ready.

So I looked around for a course. For Holistic Massage and Anatomy and Physiology, I was looking at about  1500 GBP which would mean getting myself into even further financial stress. It took me 2 weeks for the solution to come. I found The School of Natural Health Sciences where you can do Tutored or Self Study courses in your own time and space. This was the perfect solution for me and it costed me just under 200 GBP for the two courses I wanted plus Reflexology – which I have always had an interest in.

So in the last few weeks, I have totally reinvented myself. I see a very positive future for me. As soon as I am qualified, I can start practicing.

I did the Tantric Numerology Reading from 3HO (Healthy, Happy and Holy) and my reading was very much based on the fact that I am here to serve. I have also been told that if I chase money, I will not have success.  My purpose is to help others. And my gift is healing. I know I have it and looking back, I have always known I have it.

So that is how my life has changed. Talking to people about this, its become clear that there are many of us going through transitions in our lives today. I hope my story can help anyone going through something similar to have the strength to make that change. We are in a time where everything has been thrown up in the air and a lot of the time it is up to us to determine which direction we would like to go in.

Healing Hypnotherapy by Glenn Harrold MBSCH Dip CH…….

I bought this CD last year with a whole load of other similar ones but only just picked it up now. I am a great believer in ‘there’s a time and a place’ so this is the right time for me to look at this.

I have literally just finished the session and can I just say, it was great. I actually felt things happening in my body like blockages being removed and clearing going on. Glenn has a soothing but practical voice for this. The content was great and I could follow this with ease. I always like listening to these things a few times so that the information really sinks in so I’ll do that. It’s too soon to see the results but I will keep you updated.

I was just on Glenn’s website and quite surprised that I had not heard of him yet. I love the fact that he says he wanted to use hypnotherapy to heal rather than entertain and I respect Glenn for saying that.

There is an abundance of great information and Auranics definitely recommends Glenn’s work. All products including downloads are very reasonable in price. He promotes his work through:

His books include titles such as:

  • Sleep well every night
  • look young live longer
  • lose weight now!
  • De-stress your life in 7 easy steps

Certainly worth a closer look!

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