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Posts tagged ‘self love’

And breathe…….

I had to remind myself to let go and breathe again recently.

I, like many others, am going through some real changes and it has not been very easy. I am being reprogrammed to leave my old ways behind and embrace new ones. My old ways are what brought me my successes and they are all I know. So it is hard to go with another untested route.

I am learning to just go with things and allowing the universe to steer me to where and how I need to be. Most days, I can embrace this but every so often, I throw my toys out of the pram! I then am reminded that it’s ok. There is nothing to fear. I am using self love consciously to help me to learn and grow.

So for all of those of you who are also going through this, you are not alone!

Self Loving…………

www.3ho.orgYogi Bhajan was a wonderful Sikh man who worked tirelessly to spread the message of not only Sikhism, but also peace and love. Many people all over the world follow his teachings through his foundation 3hO – Healthy, Happy, Holy Organisation. He was a clear cut man who as they say – would shoot from the hip. The last line from below will confirm this!

Yogi Bhajan Singh

Here is a lovely meditation from him:

Affirmation for Self Love Sit straight. Place your right hand on your heart and say, “My heart, I love you.” Place your hands on your eyes and say, “My eyes, I love you.” Then on the top of your head and say, “My head, I love you.” And next, at the navel point and say, “I love you.” And lastly on both your knees, and say, “I love you.” If you pay a little bit of attention to yourself and show love to yourself you will find yourself different. You have been taught to hate everything, and that what you do not hate will eat you up. This is your most stupid behavior.

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