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Posts tagged ‘sleep’

Ni-Ma – The Ethereally Active Bed Linen….

I never could have tough that this kind of thing existed but when you think about it…why not? Symbolism has been recognised for years as a healer and energy raiser. Why not add it to bed linen.

Ni-Ma is a German company who produce bed linen with symbols designs that offer the sleeper an undisturbed rest on the fine material level. Especialy the so-called New Children as well as people who are sensitive to subtle energies who will soon appreciate the benefits of the bed linen.  (Taken from a leaflet produced by Ni-Ma.) Do take a look at their website as it explains so much more and in further detail.

Not really knowing what to expect, I had a long chat with Nicole, whose idea this was and Matthias, the MD. Once I knew the concept, I sat down in a chair and held a pillow dressed with one of the Ni-Ma cases over it. I was asked to repeat a sentence given to me three times and then just relax. About 30 seconds later, I could feel the energy coming through. It was warm and comforting.

A very good idea I thought. For anyone who is interested in learning more, please send an email to info@ni-ma.de or call them on +49 (0) 511 80 77 121.

They produce four designs at the moment although Nicole told me there are more on the way.

Cant Sleep? Really easy solutions to try……..

I come across people all of the time who just can’t get a good nights restful sleep. So I have put this together for them. It is essential to our wellbing in every possible way for us to be able to switch off an have a good rest before we join the forthcoming day.

Sleepy Garfield zzzzzzzzz


I Certainly in my own experiences this has worked. I have gone from restless sleep patterns to sleep so blissful that my sheets have hardly moved when I wake.

1)  Lie in your bed with your palms facing up, no pillow and feet aflexed. Take in three deep breaths – so from your neck to the pit of your stomach. Feel your chest go up and down with each breath. Focus on the breathing and let your thoughts slowdown. Visualise your body lying there. Start at  your feet and say in your mind “my toes are asleep.” As you say it, conciously switch the toes off. Allow them to take a full rest. You may feel like a sheet has come over them and they have gone to sleep – this is fine. Move to the next part, so “my feet are asleep.” Again shut down that area, enable it to become inactive. Move onto the next “my ankles are asleep.” “my legs are asleep.” “My hips and abdominal area are asleep. “My torso is asleep.”  “My arms and fingers are asleep. ” My neck is asleep.” “My head is asleep.” And finally get to “my bones are asleep and I am totally relaxed.” Take in a few deep breaths and gently bring your awareness back into your surroundings. Open your eyes slowly. Your should feel at peace and relaxed. You are now ready for sleep.

Now this did take me a long time to perfect. I started falling asleep during it – which is fine. Or my mind was chattering about the events of the day or planning for tomorrow. Just try to focus and concentrate. You can put your mind to anything you want to. Don’t get frustrated, just breathe and continue.

2.) Again lie down in the same position as above, without a pillow. Close your eyes and focus your gaze on your third eye – the bit in between your eyes. Take 3 full and long breaths in and out and relax. Say quietly in your mind “Time to sleep now. Time to switch off.” It’s like you are telling yourself to sleep. Everytime thoughts come in, say this to yourself. This often helps me to drift off as my body aknowledges what my mind needs to do.


Essential Oils:

Lavender also help me – I have an oil burner that I add Lavender Oil into but you can do many things with it. Smell lavender flowers, use a room spray, get a lavender candle etc.

Here is a great chunk of information from the About.com:Alternative Medicine website.



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