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Posts tagged ‘Louise Hay’

Lovely Words – Louise Hay…

In the infinity of life where I am all is perfect, whole and complete.

I accept health as the natural state of my being.

I now consciously release any mental patterns within me that could express as dis-ease in any way.

I love and approve of myself.

I love and approve of my body.

I feed it nourishing foods and beverages.

I exercise in ways that are fun.

I recognise my body as a wondrous and magnificent machine and I feel privileged to live in it.

I love lots of energy.

All is well in my world.

You Can Heal Your Life…..

I just spent one and a half hours watching Louise Hay’s You can Heal Your Life – The Movie.  Very powerful indeed.

Here is the Trailer.

I have read the book a few times but the movie really resonated with me – I am more of a visual person! I really like Louise’s work.

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