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Posts tagged ‘Michael Jackson’

A Tribute to MJ……….

MJI never have felt any way about admitting how I feel about Michael Jackson – I am a true fan. So to hear the news that he passed last night was devastating. I watched as the news said he was dead, then he was not dead but in a deep coma and then 30 minutes after that report, he was actually dead. Some accuracy would have been good but then that’s the media for you.  Sorry, I’m finding it hard to say anything positive about the media…as usual.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say what I want to about this. Not what I have in mind for Auranics but words I want to say. So here goes….

MJWhen I was a child going through all of my “stuff,” his music was one thing that always made me smile. His voice, his lyrics, his dance moves…everything about his excited me as a child. As I grew, my admiration for him as an Artist grew. This is what I want to focus on. He was an Artist. The only thing the world out there should have judged him for should have been his music. 

Who are people to say this and that and comment on whether they agree or not with what he does. Look inside yourself first before you judge another person who 1) you have never met and 2) judge him by second hand information from the likes of the media and hearsay say.

MJI never believed the charges set against him and still don’t. I don’t care what anyone says but a man who wrote the lyrics to songs like Man in the Mirror, Heal The World, Lady in My Life etc could not have been capable of what he was accused of. I have no doubts in my mind. I think he got too powerful and someone somewhere thought…ok how can we bring down Michael Jackson?  Oh I know, he spends lots of time with kids…yada…yada. It’s happened to others, why not him? Slander, lies, manipulation of information etc. For some people, the world is MJa really cruel place. People need to understand that he loved children because with kids, what you see is what you get. They are honest. Not sly, conceited, liars, money chasers and manipulators like adults. That’s why he preferred their company because they never wanted anything from him in return. With him being who he was, adults could not be trusted around him.


MJI don’t think we will ever know the extend of his charity work and how many lives he touched. He toured in countries no one dared to go. Politically, economically, socially unstable places were the places he went to bring the people some kind of hope. Name me anyone else who has done that to date. Lets not forget the charity concerts that he did.

MJI think it’s quite disgusting all of the people climbing out of the woodwork to say how great he was now that he is dead. No one stood by him when he was alive and the mud was being slung. Very few people did. People were frightened and wanted to protect their own images.

I stopped listening or watching any news associated with him years ago. I didn’t want his name in my mind to be tarnished. So I don’t really know much about him. I just know him through his music.

Even the news is annoying me…too much two faced talk of how great he was. Funny how everyone thinks now about how great he was.  

MMCan we now just let him rest in peace. Right now, I’m watching CNN who are broadcasting the 911 call – I mean is that really necessary? Do nosy people out there really need to hear this? Isn’t the fact that he has gone enough?

I hope and pray he reaches where he is supposed to be with ease. RIP MJ. I’ll never forget you.

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